
Dental Mirrors_RomanChikerinets_2014

Dental Mirrors 2014, digital print

bleached berry

Bleached Creme Berry 2013 , digital photograph


Blodie Berry Surface

Blondie Berry Surface 2012, digital print, dims., variable

Berry Horror

Berry Horror 2012, digital print, dims., variable

Vegetarian Leather

Vegetarian Leather 2012, digital print, dims., variable

A series of experiments using real biologically grown materials,

skinned and stitched together to unhide new objects,

potential properties and industrial/cultural applications


Surface developed in Maya software, CNC milled High Density Foam,Acrylic,Resin 2012 (c)

Berry Crude

Berry Crude , 2012, ~15×17″, acrylic,foam,resin


synthetic spore surface

Synthetic Spores, 2012, RomanChikerinets, digital print, dimensions variable

Synthetic Surface, digital image-photo 2012



 Mushroom-Swan Porcelain Clay high fire, 2008


“Seven Sins” Projected Video installation, loop  2011

A Medusa (truth), created in Maya (lie), projected above an entrance to ward off evil.                                                  

medusa, desires, pleasures
Medusa, desires, pleasures
                                                     Roman Chikerinets Copyright (C) 2008-2019

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